Table_Name Short_Name Long_Name Unit
tblESV centroid md5 hash of DNA sequence from qiime2
tblESV relative_abundance Proportion of indidividual sample represented ...
tblESV max_abundance This feature’s maximum abundance across the da...
tblESV cluster_level VSEARCH clustering level (of eASVs)
tblESV num_cluster_members Number of cluster members other than the centroid
tblESV domain Taxonomic classification
tblESV phylum Taxonomic classification
tblESV class Taxonomic classification
tblESV order Taxonomic classification
tblESV genus Taxonomic classification
tblESV species Taxonomic classification string
tblESV esv_temperature Temperature, degrees Celsius degrees Celsius
tblESV esv_salinity Salinity, practical salinity units practical salinity units
tblESV esv_chl Chlorophyll a, micrograms per L μg/L
tblESV size_frac_lower Lower limit for size fraction, in micrometers
tblESV size_frac_upper Upper limit for size fraction, in micrometers
tblESV cruise_name The name of the cruise where samples were coll...
tblESV prok_cells_10E05_per_ml Cells per mL for 50uM prefiltered water as mea... 10^5 cells/mL