BATS Bacteria Production

Dataset Name Sensor Make Spatial Resolution Temporal Resolution Start Date End Date
BATS Bacteria Production buoy Observation Irregular Irregular 1990-10-15 2012-07-15

Dataset Description

The BATS Bacteria Production dataset is a collection of in-situ shipboard measurements of bacterial production rates from 1988-2012. Cruise_ID is in the following format: 9 digit number !####$$@@, where ! = Cruise type, 1=BATS core, 2=BATS bloom a, and 3=BATS bloom b, ect. #### = Cruise number. $$ = Cast Number, 1-80=CTD casts, 81-99=Hydrocasts (i.e. 83=Hydrocast number 3). @@ = Bottle number.

Table of Variables

Data Source

Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences -

How to Acknowledge

Deborah K Steinberg, Craig A Carlson, Nicholas R Bates, Rodney J Johnson, Anthony F Michaels, Anthony H Knap, Overview of the US JGOFS Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS): a decade-scale look at ocean biology and biogeochemistry, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, Volume 48, Issues 8–9, 2001, Pages 1405-1447, ISSN 0967-0645, (

Version History

Dataset Accessed Jan 17th, 2020