HOT Particle Flux

Dataset Name Sensor Make Spatial Resolution Temporal Resolution Start Date End Date
HOT Particle Flux buoy Observation Irregular Irregular 1988-12-01 2016-10-15

Dataset Description

Particle flux was measured at a standard reference depth of 150 m using multiple cylindrical particle interceptor traps deployed on a free-floating array for approximately 60 h during each cruise. Sediment trap design and collection methods are described in Winn et al. (1991). Samples were analyzed for particulate C, N, P & Si. Typically six traps are analyzed for PC and PN, three for PP, and another three traps for PSi.

Table of Variables

How to Acknowledge

Al-Mutairi, H. and M.R. Landry. 2001. Active export of carbon and nitrogen at Station ALOHA by diel migrant zooplankton. Deep-Sea Res. II. 48: 2083- 2104.

Eppley, R.W., F.M.H. Reid and J.D.H. Strickland. 1970. Estimates of phytoplankton crop size, growth rate, and primary production, in The Ecology of the Plankton off La Jolla California in the Period April Through September, 1967, edited by H. J. D. Strickland, Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanogr. 17, 33-42.

Version History