
Dataset Name Sensor Make Spatial Resolution Temporal Resolution Start Date End Date
Wind sat Observation 1/4° X 1/4° Six Hourly 2014-04-11 2017-12-04

Dataset Description

The Near-Real-Time Wind dataset in CMAP is provided by CMEMS. This IFREMER CERSAT Global Blended Mean Wind Fields dataset provides global 1/4° coverage and blended wind measurements in six-hour time intervals. Data is split into zonal, meridional and combined wind stress and wind speed values. The end data is created using a blend of satellite radiometers and scatterometers from ASCAT-A, ASCAT-B, Coriolis and four Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) satellites.

The IFREMER CERSAT Global Blended Mean Wind Fields include wind components (meridional and zonal), wind module, wind stress. The associated error estimates are also provided. They are estimated from scatterometers ASCAT and OSCAT retrievals and from ECMWF operational wind analysis with a horizontal resolution of 0.25x0.25 degrees and 6 hours in time, and available at synoptic time 00h:00; 06h:00; 12h:00; 18h:00. NRT products are released from CMEMS with a 24-48 hour delay.

The CMEMS internal name for this dataset is: WIND_GLO_WIND_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_012_004.

Table of Variables

How to Acknowledge

Bentamy A., H-L Ayina, P. Queffeulou, D. Croize-Fillon ; 2006 : Improved Near Real Time Surface Wind Resolution over The Mediterranean Sea. Submitted to Ocean Journal.

Data provided by E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information

Version History