Section Plot

Create a section plot of modeled colored dissolved organic matter


  • Darwin_Climatology is a monthly climatology version of the Darwin model with spatial resolution 1/2° X 1/2° .

Code Tutorial

Jupyter Notebook

from opedia import plotSection as SEC

tables = ['tblDarwin_Nutrient_Climatology']    # see catalog.csv  for the complete list of tables and variable names
variabels = ['CDOM_darwin_clim']                            # see catalog.csv  for the complete list of tables and variable names

dt1 = '2016-04-30'   # PISCES is a weekly model, and here we are using monthly climatology of Darwin model
dt2 = '2016-04-30'
lat1, lat2 = 23, 55
lon1, lon2 = -159, -157
depth1, depth2 = 0, 3597
fname = 'sectional'
exportDataFlag = False       # True if you you want to download data

SEC.sectionMap(tables, variabels, dt1, dt2, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2, fname, exportDataFlag)