Correlation Matrix Along Cruise Track
plot_cruise_corr_map(cruise, targetTables, targetVars, depth1, depth2, temporalTolerance, latTolerance, lonTolerance, depthTolerance, method='spearman', exportDataFlag=False, show=True)

This function colocalizes the target variables along track of a cruise (see Match (colocalize) Cruise Track with Datasets). It then computes and visualizes a correlation matrix showing the pairwise correlation coefficients between the colocalized variables. The colocalization procedure relies on the tolerance parameters because they set the matching boundaries between the cruise track and target datasets. Currently, this graph is only supported by plotly library.

Returns the generated correlation graph object. One may modify the graph properties (see example below).


This method requires a valid API key. It is not necessary to set the API key every time because the API properties are stored locally after being called the first time.

cruise: string

The official cruise name. If applicable, you may also use cruise “nickname” (‘Diel’, ‘Gradients_1’ …). A full list of cruise names can be retrieved using cruise method.

targetTables: list of string

Table names of the target datasets to be matched with the source data. Note source dataset can be matched with multiple target datasets. A full list of table names can be found in Data Catalog.

targetVars: list of string

Variable short names to be matched with the source variable. A full list of variable short names can be found in Data Catalog.

depth1: float

Start depth [m]. This parameter sets the lower bound of the depth cut on the target datasets. ‘depth1’ and ‘depth2’ allow matching a cruise trajectory (which is at the surface, hopefully!) with target varaiables at lower depth. Note depth is a positive number (depth is 0 at the surface and increases towards the ocean floor).

depth2: float

End depth [m]. This parameter sets the upper bound of the depth cut on the target datasets. Note depth is a positive number (depth is 0 at the surface and increases towards the ocean floor).

temporalTolerance: list of int

Temporal tolerance values between pairs of source and target datasets. The size and order of values in this list should match those of targetTables. If only a single integer value is given, that would be applied to all target datasets. This parameter is in day units except when the target variable represents monthly climatology data in which case it is in month units. Note fractional values are not supported in the current version.

latTolerance: list of float or int

Spatial tolerance values in meridional direction [deg] between pairs of source and target datasets. The size and order of values in this list should match those of targetTables. If only a single float value is given, that would be applied to all target datasets. A “safe” value for this parameter can be slightly larger than the half of the target variable’s spatial resolution.

lonTolerance: list of float or int

Spatial tolerance values in zonal direction [deg] between pairs of source and target datasets. The size and order of values in this list should match those of targetTables. If only a single float value is given, that would be applied to all target datasets. A “safe” value for this parameter can be slightly larger than the half of the target variable’s spatial resolution.

depthTolerance: list of float or int

Spatial tolerance values in vertical direction [m] between pairs of source and target datasets. The size and order of values in this list should match those of targetTables. If only a single float value is given, that would be applied to all target datasets.

method: str, default: ‘spearman’

Correlation algorithm. ‘spearman’ is a rank correlation algorithm and is a metric for monotonic relationships. Other options involve ‘pearson’ and ‘kendall’. ‘pearson’ is the standard correlation coefficient, more favorable for linear correlations. ‘kendall’ evaluates Kendall Tau correlation coefficient.

exportDataFlag: boolean, default: False

If True, the graph data points are stored on the local machine. The export path and file format are set by the APIs parameters.

show: boolean, default: True

If True, the graph object is returned and is displayed. The graph file is saved on the local machine at the figureDir directory. If False, the graph object is returned but not displayed.


the graph object

Below are the graph’s properties and methods.

x: list of string

Correlation matrix column titles (covariate names).

y: list of string

Correlation matrix row titles (covariate names).

z: numpy.ndarray

Computed pairwise correlation coefficients.

cmap: str or cmocean colormap

Colormap name. Any matplotlib (e.g. ‘viridis’, ..) or cmocean (e.g., ..) colormaps can be passed to this property. A full list of matplotlib and cmocean color palettes can be found at the following links:

vmin: float

This parameter defines the lower bound of the colorbar.

vmax: float

This parameter defines the upper bound of the colorbar.

height: int

Graph’s height in pixels.

width: int

Graph’s width in pixels.

title: str

Graphs’s title.


Displays the plot according to the set properties.


This example colocalizes the Gradient 2 cruise (MGL1704) with 12 variables, including underway measurements of prochlorococcus, synechococcus, and picoeukaryote abundances by SeaFlow dataset, satellite products (adt, chl, sst), and model estimates (see the match_params() function below for more details). Please explore the catalog to find more appropriate target variables.

Returns the generated correlation graph object. One may modify the graph properties (see example below).

Review Match (colocalize) Cruise Track with Datasets, and Match (colocalize) Datasets pages for more details and tips!


This method requires a valid API key. It is not necessary to set the API key every time because the API properties are stored locally after being called the first time.

#!pip install pycmap -q     #uncomment to install pycmap, if necessary
# uncomment the lines below if the API key has not been registered on your machine, previously.
# import pycmap
# pycmap.API(token='YOUR_API_KEY>', vizEngine='plotly')

from collections import namedtuple
from pycmap.viz import plot_cruise_corr_map

def match_params():
    Param = namedtuple('Param', ['table', 'variable', 'temporalTolerance', 'latTolerance', 'lonTolerance', 'depthTolerance'])
    params = []
    ######## seaflow
    params.append(Param('tblSeaFlow', 'prochloro_abundance', 0, 0.1, 0.1, 5))
    params.append(Param('tblSeaFlow', 'synecho_abundance', 0, 0.1, 0.1, 5))
    params.append(Param('tblSeaFlow', 'picoeuk_abundance', 0, 0.1, 0.1, 5))
    ####### WOA: World Ocean Atlas Monthly Climatology
    params.append(Param('tblWOA_Climatology', 'silicate_WOA_clim', 0, .5, .5, 5))
    params.append(Param('tblWOA_Climatology', 'oxygen_WOA_clim', 0, 0.5, 0.5, 5))
    ####### Satellite
    params.append(Param('tblSST_AVHRR_OI_NRT', 'sst', 1, 0.25, 0.25, 5))
    params.append(Param('tblSSS_NRT', 'sss', 1, 0.25, 0.25, 5))
    params.append(Param('tblAltimetry_REP', 'adt', 1, 0.25, 0.25, 5))
    params.append(Param('tblCHL_REP', 'chl', 4, 0.25, 0.25, 0))
    ####### Models
    params.append(Param('tblPisces_NRT', 'NO3', 4, 0.5, 0.5, 5))
    params.append(Param('tblDarwin_Plankton_Climatology', 'prokaryote_c01_darwin_clim', 0, 0.5, 0.5, 5))
    params.append(Param('tblDarwin_Plankton_Climatology', 'prokaryote_c02_darwin_clim', 0, 0.5, 0.5, 5))

    tables, variables, temporalTolerance, latTolerance, lonTolerance, depthTolerance = [], [], [], [], [], []
    for i in range(len(params)):
    return tables, variables, temporalTolerance, latTolerance, lonTolerance, depthTolerance

targetTables, targetVars, temporalTolerance, latTolerance, lonTolerance, depthTolerance = match_params()
go = plot_cruise_corr_map(
                         cruise='MGL1704', # Gradients_2
# here is how to modify the graph:
import numpy as np

# print correlation values
# print(go.z)
# print(go.x)
# print(go.y)
go.z = np.abs(go.z)
go.cmap = 'Greys'
go.width = 1000
go.height = 1000