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class API

To retrieve data, create an instance of the system’s API and pass the API key. It is not necessary to pass the API key every time you run a code locally, because it will be stored locally. The API class has other optional parameters to adjust its behavior. All parameters can be updated persistently at any point in the code.

class pycmap.API(token=<API KEY>, baseURL='https://simonscmap.com', headers=None, vizEngine='plotly', exportDir='./export/', > exportFormat='.csv', figureDir='./figure/') |

token: string, required

Access token (API Key) required to make client requests. You may get an API key here: https://simonscmap.com/apikeymanagement

baseURL: string, optional, default: https://simonscmap.com

Root endpoint of Simons CMAP API.

headers: dict, optional, default: None

Additional headers to add to the client requests.

vizEngine: string, optional, default: ‘plotly’

Data visualization library used to render the graphs. The other option for visualization library is ‘bokeh’. Note some of the graphs (such as correlation matrix) are only supported by plotly. See Data Visualization for more details.

exportDir: string, optional, default: ‘./export/’

Path to local directory where the exported data are stored.

exportFormat: string, optional, default: ‘.csv’

File format of the exported files. Currently, only csv format is supported.

figureDir: string, optional, default: ‘./figure/’

Path to local directory where the figures are stored. The interactive figure objects are stored in the form of html files. Note: inline graphs (e.g. on Jupyter notebook) are not saved.


#!pip install pycmap -q     #uncomment to install pycmap, if necessary

import pycmap

api = pycmap.API(token='<YOUR_API_KEY>', vizEngine='plotly')