Variable Unit
get_unit(tableName, varName)

Returns the unit for a given variable, if applicable.

tableName: string

The name of table associated with the dataset. A full list of table names can be found in the Data Catalog.

varName: string or list of string

Variable short name. A full list of variable short names can be found in the Data Catalog.


String literal.


Returns the unit of the short name variable, silica_hot, in the HOT Particle Flux dataset.

#!pip install pycmap -q     #uncomment to install pycmap, if necessary

import pycmap

api = pycmap.API(token='<YOUR_API_KEY>')
api.get_unit('tblHOT_ParticleFlux', 'silica_hot')

SQL Statement

Here is how to achieve the same results using a direct SQL statement. Please refer to Query for more information.

EXEC uspVariableUnit 'tableName', 'varName'


Returns the unit of the short name variable, silica_hot, in the HOT Particle Flux dataset.

EXEC uspVariableUnit 'tblHOT_ParticleFlux', 'silica_hot'