get_metadata(table, variable)

Returns a dataframe containing the associated metadata of a variable (such as data source, distributor, references, and etc.). The inputs can be string literals (if only one table, and variable is passed) or a list of string literals.

table: string or list of string

The name of table where the variable is stored. A full list of table names can be found in the Data Catalog.

variable: string or list of string:

Variable short name. A full list of variable short names can be found in the Data Catalog.


Pandas dataframe.


Retrieve dataset metadata for the satellite SST and Argo salinity datasets.

#!pip install pycmap -q     #uncomment to install pycmap, if necessary

import pycmap

api = pycmap.API(token='<YOUR_API_KEY>')
api.get_metadata(['tblsst_AVHRR_OI_NRT', 'tblArgoMerge_REP'], ['sst', 'argo_merge_salinity_adj'])

SQL Statement

Here is how to achieve the same results using a direct SQL statement. Please refer to Query for more information.

EXEC uspVariableMetaData 'table', 'variable'


Metadata associated with Argo salinity measurements:

EXEC uspVariableMetaData 'tblArgoMerge_REP', 'argo_merge_salinity_adj'