Variable Coverage
get_var_coverage(tableName, varName)

Returns spatial and temporal coverage of the given variable.

tableName: string

The name of table associated with the dataset. A full list of table names can be found in the Data Catalog.

variable: string or list of string

Variable short name. A full list of variable short names can be found in the Data Catalog.


Pandas dataframe.


Returns the spatial and temporal coverage of the short name variable, chl, in the Chlorophyll Reprocessed dataset.

#!pip install pycmap -q     #uncomment to install pycmap, if necessary

import pycmap

api = pycmap.API(token='<YOUR_API_KEY>')
api.get_var_coverage('tblCHL_REP', 'chl')

SQL Statement

Here is how to achieve the same results using a direct SQL statement. Please refer to Query for more information.

EXEC uspVariableCoverage 'tableName', 'varName'


Returns the spatial and temporal coverage of the short name variable, chl, in the Chlorophyll Reprocessed dataset.

EXEC uspVariableCoverage 'tblCHL_REP', 'chl'